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EMAC 2022 Annual

Motivators function as catalysator for the use of smart home devices. A user perspective.

Published: May 24, 2022


Anja Janoschka, Institute of Communication and Marketing, Lucerne School of Business; remo kälin, Institute of Communication and Marketing; Thomas Wozniak, Institute of Communication and Marketing, Lucerne School of Business; Larissa Dahinden, Institute of Communication and Marketing, Lucerne School of Business


Abstract To make further advancement into the smart home market, marketers need to understand users and their drivers to adopt and use smart home devices. This user-centred study focuses on cognitive aspects and the motivators of smart home technology. We used a set of quantitative methods to elaborate the influence of a set of motivators and barriers on the adoption likelihood of users of smart home devices. The basis of our research consisted of different smart home scenarios. We found that motivators in general have a much bigger impact on users’ intention to use smart home devices than most barriers. Since a positive mindset is crucial for adoption likelihood, marketers should focus on motivators much more than on the reduction of perceived negative influences through barriers.